Sunday, 17 June 2007

Your mess can become your message

Last night I ended up somewhere quite unexpected.

It all began on Friday night when I was chatting online to Zoe. I used to chat to Zoe a few years ago and we also have a common friend but I only really caught up with her last week. She is going through some rough times at the moment and describes her life as "a mess". We were talking about when she got saved and the preacher that night who was Barry Woodward and so she showed me his website. Then we found out that he would be launching his new book at a church 7 miles from where Zoe lives! So last night that's where I was.

Barry told his story. He used to be a drug dealer and heroin addict in Manchester. His life was one of addiction, crime and prison. But then his life was changed when he had an encounter with God. (You'll have to read his book "Once an addict" - he calls it that because people used to say to him 'Once an addict, always an addict' but that didn't turn out to be true - he was 'once an addict', full stop.) Now he tells his story and his mess has become his message. And the message is a powerful one - it doesn't matter where you find yourself or what sort of mess you are in...God can still use you - and your mess really can become your message.

Zoe - I know that will be true for you. It was good to see you there and I know that one day you will make your mess your message too. You belong to God and nothing can take you away from Him. You will make it through and you will be on the other side saying 'that's where I was, but I'm not there now' and you will have a testimony to tell!

Sarah - I know that you are going through some things at the moment too, and I will be thinking about you tomorrow. God will look after you and everything will be ok.

If you are reading this and you are hurting; if you think that there's no way that you can be reached or that God couldn't do anything with your life - think again. If God can transform a drug dealing addict into an awesome man of God then nothing is impossible. Nothing. If the devil comes after you telling you something different then tell him that you are going out to buy some sunglasses. Like I said to Zoe, you're going to need them! Tell the devil that your future is so bright that you are going to need sunglasses to see it!

Now that really really makes him mad.


Sarah said...

pilchy your words are always such an inspiration to me. thankyou so so much. xxxx

Her said...

*beats down the devil with a very large, jagged stick*

Anonymous said...

great words pilchy, i will keep zoe and sarah in prayer , i text her this morning to wish her well today, god is with them both x