Saturday, 2 June 2007

What makes a good friend?

I am at my mum's house today. There were a few roadworks on the way here and at one point it said on the motorway text system "SLOW - ANIMALS ON THE ROAD" so I thought it would be a bit like a drive through safari with tigers wandering around and monkeys pulling off your ariel but after driving in really slow traffic for a couple of miles it suddenly said "END" and there wasn't an animal in sight. I think the person operating the signs must have been a bit bored this morning.

I have managed to sort out my mum's computer so that she can sell things on Ebay again. She was having trouble uploading her photos. Just had fish and chips for tea which was nice.

As I was driving along in the car I was thinking about what makes a good friend...

1. Someone that you can rely on to be the same. If they like talking to you on Monday then they still do on Tuesday. If they drive down the HogsBack on Thursday, then they drive down it again on Friday. If they leave a nice message on your blog once they leave nice messages again. You know where you are with people like that rather than ones that are pleased to see you one day but are mad at you the next.

2. Someone that you can talk about anything with. You don't have to worry about them not wanting to hear about certain things. Some friends even make up new words with you and then you use the new words together knowing that one day there will be a special entry in the Oxford English Dictionary.

3. Someone who is just themselves. If they are a bit down then they say so - if they are excited then they are excited. I know it seems to go against point 1 but it doesn't really. You can be real and still consistent at the same time. Not easy though - everyone has to work on that.

4. Someone that leaves a comment on your blog. Very important because then you know that someone has read it, even though they might have read it but said nothing. So it doesn't have to be a long comment. Short comments are just as good. You better do that now then?


Her said...

1. I have left nice messages on your blog before and here is another one.
2. I've had a jibblistic day, how was yours?
3.I'm a bit down because I have a headache. But I'm also excited because I now have 8 days off!! woop woop!
4.I love your blog. And as long as you are writing, I will always be reading!

Sarah said...

hey pilchy!
heres another message for you. nat got in before me though. you are my special friend. i love you heaps x

Rachel said...

You seem to know what a good friend is like!

The best bit about comments is that you know someone has listened. That's why blogging is so good: you talk about anything and everything, and people leave comments (or should do) to show that they have listened, and are interested in hearing what you have to say.

anonymous said...

seeing you commented on mine with such words of wisdom i figered i should comment on yours - although couldnt really class you as a friend as i havent really ever spoken to you much lol

hello anyways, hope your having a goodun, cya

Anonymous said...

Pilchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, about the animals , i seen squirels (is that how you spell that ). in mum and dads garden today. I hope that you class me as your friend, erm a unusual word hmmmmm..........fantazidosa!!!! love it hehe, and when im sad you always cheer me up and when im not you always cheer me up lol xxx