Monday, 4 June 2007

Tangled Thoughts

Natalie wrote about her tangled thoughts and I often have them too. So here are some thoughts about thoughts....

1. You don't have to think the thoughts that are in your head. Just because a thought is there, doesn't mean you have to accept it. Some thoughts are just lies - like "I'm ugly" or "I'll never achieve anything" or "I can't do it". You can think those thoughts all day long but that doesn't make them true. None of them are true. When people say something like that about themselves I ask them "who told you" and they often reply "I did!". Who needs enemies when you are going to think wrong things without anyone having said a word.

2. Thoughts become habits. If you think the same thought over and over again then it's a habit that you will have to break and this can be hard. You have to start thinking right thoughts rather than wrong ones. It helps too if you say out loud what the right thoughts are. If you need some right thoughts to think then look in your bible. Go on Lilmiss's blog and read "A Father's Love Letter" and start thinking some of the right thoughts about God and how He feels about you.

3. Thoughts affect how you feel. If you feel down and depressed, it's your thoughts that have done it. So you need to stop the ones that are making you feel like that. Choose to think something else instead. Find a friend and talk to them about something completely different so that you don't have time to think the negative thoughts. When your mind is filled with confusing thoughts choose to think about something else.

4. Don't let anyone else affect how you think. If someone is upset, you don't have to be upset with them. If someone else might get hurt but you aren't doing the hurting then don't use up all your thoughts thinking about them. Yes, pray for them - help them if you can... but don't let thoughts of them take over your thought life. If you are down and hurting yourself then you can't help anyone anyway. To help someone else you need to be thinking clearly.

5. Some people think too much. I am like that. I just think and think and think about something but never actually reach a solution. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you think about something that is bothering you - thinking doesn't fix it. The best thing to do is pray about it... and leave it alone. That's hard to do and I need to learn how to do that but it makes sense... I think ;-)


Her said...

Last night I was church, and all I kept thinking about was how awkward I felt not knowing hardly anyone there. The worship was brilliant. I could tell the Holy Spirit was trying to get in. The moment I stop thinking about the awkwardness the Holy Spirit came over me! Twas Awesome!

Pilch said...

That's cool Nat!

Anonymous said...

thats great nat!!!!, i know pilch i need to stop thinking, well not actually stop but , u know im like you i think about things to much and there is a scripture that says why worry about wht clothes we where and wht food we eat, everything that happens , happens for a reason . x