Tuesday, 12 June 2007

It's who you are, not what you do that matters

Who are you? Does anyone ever ask you that apart from when you are somewhere that you aren't supposed to be? When you are getting to know someone one of the first things they ask is "What do you do?" - as in what is your job? Who you are is much more important than what you do, especially in God's kingdom.

You can't impress God with your rank or title, your qualifications or your experience. The only thing you have to offer is you. When you die you won't take any titles, wealth or reputation with you - just you. When you give an account of your life, you won't be presenting God with certificates of achievement, references or diplomas... there will just be Him and you.

It's too easy to get a sense of self worth and value from what we do - yet the job we have could be lost. That wouldn't make us any less valuable to God - He would love us anyway. What really matters to Him is how much of ourselves we are willing to give to Him - to be transformed by Him into His likeness. That's something I really need to focus on, especially when there are so many things going on at work to think about - reports to write, plans to make, things that need to be done. If I wasn't there, then someone else would do them... I would soon be forgotten. It's what is going on inside me that matters more.

So if anyone seems disappointed in you because they aren't impressed with what you do, take no notice. Read God's word, get closer to Him and let Him transform who you are and remember that's what really matters. That's what I need to do... and that's one thing that I will do that does matter.


Her said...

You, Mr Pilch, are such a star!!!!

Ann Marie said...

Pilchie I have decided I shouldn't read your blog when I'm at work, cos you always manage to make me cry, but thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us